Call us:
beIN: 16162
OSN: 0238276666
SAWA: 0238275530


How to contact beIN customer support? - +

How To Subscribe to beIN? - +

What are the payment methods available? - +

Where I can find CNE Showrooms and Authorized Dealer ? - +

How can I register my smartcard on the web site? - +

I have bought beIN decoder from another country rather than Egypt, can I use it for Egypt subscription? - +

How can i get the CSSN from the decoder menu? - +

Which sports events will be broadcasted on our channels? - +

Is beIN CONNECT available with my package? - +

What do I get when I register for the beIN CONNECT? - +

What is beIN BOX OFFICE Movies? - +

What is the price of the BOX OFFICE Movie? - +


How To Subscribe to OSN? - +

What are the Available Methods of payment to subscribe? - +

Where I can find CNE Showrooms and Authorized Dealer ? - +

Why is OSN Cinema (Channel 31) no longer available? - +

What is OSN Store? - +

Why we are doing this change in channels? - +

Why did you remove/I cannot find OSN Movies Disney? - +

Is my content going to be impacted? Am I losing any content / channel? - +

Is there any extra cost to view this channel? - +

Why do I need to connect my OSN Box to the internet? - +

Why am I paying the same amount when the number of channels is decreasing? - +