Call us:
beIN: 16162
OSN: 0238276666
SAWA: 0238275530

beIN: PREMIUM Package (83 Channels)

Be among the best! Your premium beIN experience is wrapped with all-around the biggest sports, leagues and competition including UEFA Champions league and English Premier League, as well as the latest entertainment content. Indulge with your family in an unparalleled viewing experience and on the go!

Package Includes

Sports (40) - +

Movies (6) - +

Kids (10) - +

News (13) - +

Entertainment (10) - +

Series (4) - +

Subscription Fees

LE 445

Quarterly beIN Installments View Contract

1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total Amount
1335 LE 1335 LE 1335 LE 1335 LE LE

Bi-Annual beIN Installments View Contract

1st Half 2nd Half Total Amount
2670 LE 2670 LE LE


  • Subscription Prices are monthly and exclusive of Value Added Taxes (VAT)
  • The subscription contract is annual (12 ​consecutive months).


Available Boxes:

  • beIN 4K Box for 5340 EGP (VAT Inclusive).

This Package includes:

  • FREE beIN CONNECT subscription for 1 device . (For more information, click HERE)
  • FREE 4 monthly BOX OFFICE movies.  (For more information, click HERE)

This package cannot be downgraded to another package during the annual contract.

  • beIN have all the rights to change or modify its' channels at any point during the subscription periods.
  • beIN decoder, smartcard and subscription are to be used in Egypt only.
  • The listed prices don't include the decoder prices:
  • beIN 4K: costs 5340 L.E. + Smartcard.
  • For credit card standing order customers will not be able to subscribe with any type of debit card we only accept credit card.
  • All credit card forms to be sent to
  • Customer ID and credit card should be with same name otherwise credit card holder will sign ​Multi Credit ​Card Attestation form to activate the subscription​.
  • All listed package prices exclusive of the Value Added Taxes (VAT).


How to contact beIN customer support? - +

How To Subscribe to beIN? - +

What are the payment methods available? - +

Where I can find CNE Showrooms and Authorized Dealer ? - +

How can I register my smartcard on the web site? - +

I have bought beIN decoder from another country rather than Egypt, can I use it for Egypt subscription? - +

How can i get the CSSN from the decoder menu? - +

Which sports events will be broadcasted on our channels? - +

Is beIN CONNECT available with my package? - +

What do I get when I register for the beIN CONNECT? - +

What is beIN BOX OFFICE Movies? - +

What is the price of the BOX OFFICE Movie? - +

beIN Decoders & Tuning

beIN 4K Box - +

beIN 1000s - +

Humax HD Mini - +

beIN C1 - +

Humax 3030 - +

Humax 4030 - +